Wednesday, 4 March 2020

seethamma bandalu sirimallige thottu movie rating 3.5*/5

Seethamma came ... !!!
Director Sithamma Bandundu Sirimallige Thottu is the  director Ashok Kadaba who had previously made a film called Amritakal. This is the story of a widow in the 90s ... the way society looks at women. Her bundle of policy ... has all its desires and aspirations, and it is the image of life and woman's anxiety. A woman without a husband suffers both physically and mentally. If he comes to his mind, then the ritual, thinking side. She has dreams in a society where bodily happiness is a crime. Asoka Theba has shown that there are emotions.
In this society, if the wife dies, the husband can marry differently. But the film tells the painful story of a troubled woman who does not have the support of many people to marry other than a female widow.
Samhita Vinya, who was only identified as a widow, had previously been seen in more glamorous roles. De Glamor played the role for the first time. He handled his role very neatly. The 90's atmosphere is very well illustrated. This is a must-see film for women.